固的精品资源网-Pro Android UI 英文PDF  
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  • 资源名称:Pro Android UI 英文PDF

    Part I. Introduction to the Core Classes for Android UI Design: Development Tools, Layout Containers and Widgets
    1. Android UI Design Tools: Setting Up Your Android Development System
    2. Android UI Layouts: Layout Containers and the ViewGroup Class
    3. Android UI Widgets: User Interface Widgets and the View Class

    Part II. Introduction to Android Menu Class for UI Design: OptionsMenu, ContextMenu, PopupMenu and ActionBar
    4. Android UI Options Menus: OptionsMenu Class and an Introduction to the Android ActionBar
    5. Android UI Local Menus: The ContextMenu Class and PopupMenu Class
    6. Android UI Action Bar: Advanced ActionBar Design & ActionBar Class

    Part III. Android UI: Layout Considerations, Concepts & UI Containers: LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, FrameLayout
    7. Android UI Design Considerations: Styles, Screen Density Targets and New Media Formats
    8. Android UI Design Concepts: Wire-framing & UI Layout Design Patterns
    9. Android UI Layout Conventions, Differences and Approaches
    10. Android UI Theme Design & Digital Media Concepts

    Part IV. Basic Android UI Design: Basic Layout Containers: FrameLayout, LinearLayout,
    RelativeLayout, GridLayout
    11. Android’s FrameLayout Class: Using Digital Video in your UI Design
    12. Android’s LinearLayout Class: Horizontal and Vertical UI Design
    13. Android’s RelativeLayout Class: Complex UI Design Via a Single Layout Container
    14. Android’s GridLayout Class: Optimized UI Design using a Grid-based Layout
    Part V. Advanced Android UI Design: Advanced Layout Containers: DrawerLayout, SlidingPane, ViewPager, Strips

    15. Android DrawerLayout Class: Using Left and Right Side UI Drawer Design
    16. Android SlidingPaneLayout Class: Optimized UI Design using a Grid-based Layout Container
    17. Android ViewPager Class: Using View Paging to Navigate Complex View Hierarchies
    18. Android PagerTabStrip and PagerTitleStrip Classes: Design Navigation UI Elements for the ViewPager Layout



    固的精品资源网 » Pro Android UI 英文PDF
